How to Hire a Good Plumber in the City of Gilbert Town

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Plumber in the Town of Gilbert

Leakages in an average household in cities like the Town of Gilbert wastes more than 90 gallons of water daily. With the average resident of the town paying $1.20 per 1,000 of water, contracting a professional plumber to plug leaks and fix plumbing faults immediately may end up saving you some good money on your monthly utility bills. Regardless of where or how you get your plumber referrals, it is essential for you to do due diligence on the prospective plumber before contracting them. To this end, getting satisfactory answers to the questions below will help determine if a plumber is a right fit for you:

Are You Licensed to Practice as a Plumber in the Town of Gilbert?

Section 32-1151 of the Arizona Revised Statutes prohibits unlicensed individuals from engaging in plumbing services in Gilbert Town and the State of Arizona in general. Per the provisions of this law, all plumbers working in the Town of Gilbert are required to be registered with and licensed by the Arizona Registrar for Contractors (ROC). Hiring a licensed plumber reduces your chances of receiving inferior plumbing services, and it also gives you grounds to institute a claim against the plumber for shoddy work.

The Arizona ROC issued different classes of licenses to eligible plumbers in Gilbert Town. An applicant for a plumbing license must be 18 years old with at least four years of training from either a technical college or through an apprenticeship. After satisfying the age and experience condition, the applicant must then pass a licensing exam and pass with at least 75% before completed license forms. can be submitted. The candidate would also be required to undergo background checks by the ROC, and once these conditions have been satisfied, the application would be approved, and a license would be issued.

You can verify the license of your prospective plumber online, and you can also contact the ROC for more information and inquiries regarding its licensing process at the following locations:

Phoenix Office
1700 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ, 8500- 2812
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday
Flagstaff Office
2501 N 4th Street
Room 22
Flagstaff, AZ 86004-3701
Phone: (877)-692-9762
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday

The Flagstaff office is open for walk-in inquiries to those who have booked an appointment prior. You can schedule an appointment by calling the Flagstaff office at (877)-692-9762

How Much Do You Charge Compared to Plumbers in the Town of Gilbert?

In your quest to contract the services of a professional plumber, it is advisable for you to get different price estimates from at least three different plumbers so as to get an idea of the average cost of the plumbing service you require. Note that the price for each plumber's services is majorly determined by the nature of the proposed repairs, the cost of plumbing materials, and the skill set of the plumber. As such, the price estimates provided by these plumbers will not be an exact match.

A plumber in the Town of Gilbert earns an annual average wage of $45,310. Below is a breakdown of the average hourly wages for plumbers in Gilbert Town compared with plumbers in other parts of Arizona and other major cities in the country:

Gilbert Plumber Hourly Average Wage
Arizona Plumber Hourly Average Wage
New York City Plumber Hourly Average Wage
Houston Plumber Hourly Average Wage
Detroit Plumber Hourly Average Wage
Miami Plumber Hourly Average Wage
Boston Plumber Hourly Average Wage
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Do You Comply with the Town of Gilbert Building Code for Plumbing?

The Gilbert Building and Construction Code is a set of rules by which the altering, repair, installation, design, modification, and maintenance of plumbing systems in Gilbert is governed. The building code also covers the quality of materials used in executing plumbing repairs so as to protect the residents from inferior plumbing jobs while also ensuring that a high-quality job is done.

It is advisable only to contract licensed plumbers in Gilbert Town because they are generally knowledgeable about the provisions of this code as a result of their training. Doing this protects you from substandard plumbing service delivery as well as possible fines associated with code violations. You can get more information on the requirements of the Gilbert Building and Construction Code for your intended plumbing work by contacting the town's Department of Development Services at (480)-530-6700 or by visiting their office at

Department of Development Services
90. E Civic Center Drive
Gilbert, AZ 85296
Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday

Will You Get the Plumbing Permits as Required by the Town of Gilbert Code?

Per the Gilbert Town Municipal Code, permits are generally required for plumbing-related works carried out within the town. These include plumbing repairs and modifications that require the connection of new buildings to the town water supply source, construction sites that need to be connected to the town's fire hydrant for water supply, and any sewage connection that is to be connected to the town's sewage system.

The town's Department of Development Services issues permits to interested parties, and these permits can be obtained upon application by either the homeowner or the plumber. Permit applications are done online via the Department of Development Services' One Stop Shop application portal. Note that a user profile typically has to be created before this portal can be accessed. To this end, the Department of Development Services provides an application guide that can be used to get information on how to create this user profile and navigate its application portal. Once the permit application has been submitted and other necessary documents, such as project plans, have been reviewed and approved, the request permits are issued, and the plumbing work can commence.

Note that once the plumbing work commences, inspections will be done at various stages of the project. These inspections can also be scheduled online. Queries related to the Gilbert Town plumbing permit application and project inspection process can be directed to the Department Development Services via phone at (480)-530-6700 or in person at:

Department of Development Services,
90. E Civic Center Drive,
Gilbert, AZ 85296.

What Kind of Plumbing Services Do You Offer?

A homeowner who needs to retain the services of a plumber must be knowledgeable about the type of plumbing experience the plumber has, as well as the type of plumbing service that the plumber offers. Whether such a service involves the fixing of leaky pipes or faucets, clearing blocked drainage, or installing bathtubs, sprinkler systems, or gas systems, it is important to make sure that the plumber you hire is duly experienced and equipped to provide the required service. This way, you do not have to end up paying for the same service more than once. Below is a list of some plumbing services and their estimated costs in Gilbert Town.

Residential plumbing
$64.71 - $83.78
Commercial plumbing
$89.06 - $95.83
Plumbing for remodeler home additions
$3,968.80 - $5,130.40
Faucets, fixtures, and pipes
$52.50 - $65.00
Toilet installation/replacements
$113.26 - $138.67
Clearing drain clogs and blockage
$113.26 - $138.67
Bathtub installation
$650.00 - $1948.68
Septic tank installation
$6,689.85 - $7948.25
Septic Tank cleaning or pumping
$244.73 - $500
Sewer Line Installation and repairs
$55.18 - 70.66
Sewer line cleaning
$157.78 - $241.03
Water main installation and repair
$29.04 - $48.40
Well pump installation
$692.12 - $821.83

Do You Offer Emergency Plumbing Services in the Town of Gilbert?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that about 10% of the households in America waste 90 gallons of water daily. Plumbing emergencies such as faulty faucets, leaky or burst pipes, and broken toilets contribute to water wastage that amounts to a trillion gallons annually. Not only do these leaks contribute to water shortages and droughts, but they also drive up the cost of water bills. With the residents of Gilbert paying $1.20 for every 1,000-8,000 gallons per residence for water bills, plumbing emergencies must be treated the minute they are discovered to prevent unnecessarily high water bills and further damage to your property. While the urgency of a plumbing emergency can tempt you to call up just any plumber to halt the damage, it is important to find a licensed and experienced plumber in your neighborhood to handle these situations.

You can use the contractor search on the Arizona Registrar of Contractors to search for licensed plumbers who provide emergency plumbing services near you. Third-party sites like Better Business Bureau are also very useful in locating licensed and experienced emergency plumbers in the Town of Gilbert.

Do You Carry the Necessary Insurance Policy for Plumbers in the Town of Gilbert?

According to the Industrial Commission of Arizona, the fatality figures of work-related deaths increased by 11% between 2018 and 2019. Considering this, it is pertinent for homeowners to contract properly insured plumbers when embarking on plumbing projects and other home improvements. By contracting a plumber who has insurance, you are protected from the liability of bearing the cost of any unforeseen injuries or fatalities that may occur during the execution of a plumbing project in your home.

Licensed plumbers in Gilbert Town are mandated by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors to maintain license bonds for the duration of the validity of their licenses. The bond amount payable by a licensee is determined by the yearly gross earnings of the plumber and the class of license of the carrier. This bond is paid into a recovery fund that is used to offset successful compensation claims against licensed plumbers and contractors in the State of Arizona. To confirm the status of a licensed plumber's bond, you can call the Arizona Registrar of Contractors at (602)-5454-1525.

How to File a Complaint Against a Bad Plumber in the Town of Gilbert

The Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies projects that the home remodeling industry in the United States of America is worth $400 billion. Unfortunately, the amount of money involved in this industry has attracted unscrupulous contractors and plumbers looking to defraud unsuspecting Gilbert Town homeowners through bogus home repair and remodeling scams. These scams are typically targeted at especially senior citizens and residents of the town's affluent neighborhoods. In 2018, a Gilbert contractor was arrested in connection with a home improvement scam that swindled an elderly homeowner out of $30,000.

Common means used by fraudulent plumbers to scam unsuspecting victims include

  • Offering unsolicited plumbing inspections while claiming to be employees of the town's utility department.
  • Refusing or deliberately neglecting to provide their license number or show their license.
  • Insisting on cash-only jobs, and refusing to accept payments via cheques, refusing to issue receipts.
  • Giving verbal estimates to customers and changing the terms of the estimate, like the project cost, before the project is finished.
  • Charging exorbitant prices for materials while using inferior materials in executing the project.

You can avoid becoming victims of plumbing scams by verifying the name and license number of prospective plumbers on the Arizona Registrar of Contractors website for their authenticity and suitability for your intended project. You can also check the list of most wanted unlicensed contractors on the ROC's website to make sure your plumber is not operating illegally. Other tips that can help you avoid becoming a victim of a plumbing scam include:

  • Ask the prospective plumber for references and follow up with these references. You can also check out online reviews of the plumber's business on online platforms like Better Business Bureau.
  • Make sure your plumber's license class matches the experience required for your project type. For example, if your intended projects require plumbing repairs in your house, you would need a plumber with an R-37 license.
  • Obtain project estimates from at least three different plumbers to get an idea of the industry prices for your project before settling for the one best suited to your budget.
  • Never make any decision in a hurry, and beware of plumbers who rush you to decide on the spot.
  • Payments to plumbers should never be in cash. Always pay plumbers in installments with cheques.
  • Document all your dealings with the plumber.
  • Make sure you have a written contract clearly stating your duties and responsibilities as well as those of the plumber. This should include the project sum, description, and who is responsible for applying for and obtaining necessary permits.
  • Make sure you clearly understand the terms of any contract that you are offered before signing.

If you have been a victim of a plumbing scam in Gilbert Town, You can contact the Arizona Registrar of Contractors by filing a complaint or calling their Phoenix office at (623)-542-5125. You can also contact the Gilbert Town Police Department by calling them at either (480)-503-6500 or (480)-503-6505. You can also make your complaint in person by visiting the Gilbert Town Police Department at:

Gilbert Town Police Department
75 E. Civic Centre Drive
Gilbert, AZ 85296